30 September 2009

"Seek higher ground"? Ummmm, our island is flat.

I'm fine, no tsunami hit in Tonga. Businesses were closed and we were sent home from school this morning when the warning came though. Obviously there's panic here, "tsunami" is a pretty scary word in the Pacific after the 2007 tsunami in South East Asia and another in the Solomon Islands the same year.

On the radio we've heard that there were deaths from this tsunami in Samoa (our neighbour to the north) an hour or two ago. I think the tsunami that the quake generated was a "local" one, and it ashed away some villages on a Western Samoan island. We've heard some people, cars, and houses on the coast of other islands were swept out to sea.

There's concern on my island because it is supposed to be high tide right now but it's actually very low tide instead, but I imagine that's just some leftover effect and not a sign of an inbound tsunami. Pretty much all of this island is "coast, " but the tsunami was projected to reach Tonga and Fiji about 9 a.m. local time, and it's 10:45 a.m. now and believe me I am still alive!

UPDATE:  I'm still fine, though it seems a tsunami did in fact hit islands in Tonga.  Three tsunami waves were generated, hitting islands in Samoa, American Samoa, and Tonga.  The Niuas, Tonga's northern-most island group, was struck by a 4-meter high wave that killed at least ten people.

UPDATE2: My government cares!

Hello Daniel Post,

Given the recent earthquake in Samoa and the subsequent tsunami we just wish to ensure that you are safe and well?  I have taken your email address from your ROCA registration which states that you are currently in Tonga.  Please let us know if you are still there.

Consular Officer | Agent Consulaire
High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada


  1. So glad to hear you're alright!
    I was watching BBC news coverage of the tsunami's impact on Samoa just now, and I was worried.
    Keep safe!

  2. So glad to hear you are fine. The adventure continues...

  3. Good to know that you're ok!

  4. Hey Dan, I was praying hard you were ok.. Glad it worked. We are looking forward to you comming home where it is somewhat safer.. from earthquakes, volcanos, cyclones and Tsunami

    Love ya
    Aunt Wanda
