27 March 2008

And More Pictures

“Royal Beer” – in the nineties, the King saw his chance to make some money and a bunch of Belgians saw their chance to unload a profitless business. The result – Tongans drink expensive imported beer like Heineken, Coors, and Victoria Bitter, while palangi (including yours truly) suck back the very cheap Royal Ikale.

The WZ UP WASHUP, it seems even remote Pacific Tonga couldn’t escape this Budweiser craze

Sadly their fate was the same as any other who base their business model on a slogan. Still I bet for a good three months, this was THE place to wash your car in Tonga!

P.S. - I added a Tonga Compared to Canada table to the bottom of this page


  1. Hey Dan! I don't know if you remember me, but I was on the tour to Afghanistan just before you. We overlapped a month or so. Anyways, I cant believe you're in Tonga! I had to look it up on a map.

    Marion gave me your blog website and I am looking forward to your adventure there. I will live vicariously through you!

    I can only imagine what your family thought when you went there. I guess it's not a war zone though...


  2. Cool pics. Send me some Tongan beer! I'll send you some Hermannator back. We can be beer package pals.

    Interesting stats too. So lets do some tongue in cheek math with them...

    In Canada you can expect to live to 80 (well, if we ignore gender differences), while in Tonga you can expect to live to 73. So that's a difference of 7 years over a lifetime or 7/80 = 0.0875 years per year of life.

    You will be living in Tonga for 2 years in your life, so 2*0.0875*365 days = 63.8 days. So you lose 2 months of life for 2 years spent in Tonga.

    So if we convert the units YearsOfTonga to smoking cigarettes (apparently you lose 11 minutes of life per cigarette) we get 63.8*24*60/11 = 8361.

    Thus, 2 years living in Tonga is equivalent to smoking 418 packs of cigarettes. Isn't logic awesome?

  3. Hey Dan!

    I can send you some weak American beer if you want. It's like water, but with more calories.

    Oh excellent, a mailing address....

  4. Leo you just...blew my mind. SO where in the world would I have to live after Tonga, in order to get those two months back (plus interest)?

  5. You're too cheap to drink the imported stuff? Or you're supporting local businesses?
